Social Media Advertising

Allow us to be your social media advertising partner!

You know your business, and we at Hively know how to support the success of your business by reaching your ideal target customers with our social media advertising expertise. Hively will:

We use the power of Social Media Advertising to promote your business!

We know how to create a good advertising ‘buzz!’


Our social media advertising services get your company’s voice heard. Our ‘hive’ of savvy social media experts works to generate immediate results by connecting your products and services to thousands -and even millions- of people who are likely to be interested in them.


We work what works, by leveraging the most cost-effective and targeted form of advertising available today, social media!


Social media is THE tool that increases your lead generation, brand awareness, conversions, and ultimately sales, and we at know how to use it to grow your business.


‘Bee’ ready to see how Social Media Advertising boosts your business!


Our pricing is straight-forward so that you will know exactly what you’re geting.

We offer VERY competitive pricing, exceptional customer service, and deliver results that separate us from our ‘wanna-bee’ competitors. All of this from a U.S. based company.

  • $299.00 / month



    Per Mo/Mgmt fee


  • $299.00 / month

    FB & Instagram

    Reach 15,000 – 20,000 unique people each camapign


    Per Mo/Mgmt fee


  • $299.00 / month


    Reach 15,000 – 20,000 unique people each camapign


    Per Mo/Mgmt fee


* White Glove Upgrade - Hively will enter/load the contact information, for all of your clients, each month. (You will need to provide a list of names, phone numbers, and emails to Hively (on excel or google sheets) each month.

  • Boost sales by applying proven social advertising strategies.
  • Create effective ad campaigns that drive profits.
  • Target and reach your ideal audience through multiple social platforms.
  • Create and design compelling ad copy that moves customers to engage with your company.
  • Track results to optimize your campaigns.


We run ad campaigns across the most widely used social media platforms:

  Facebook Advertising Services

  • Globally, Facebook has 2.74 billion monthly active users and the average user has reportedly clicked 12 Facebook ads in the last 30 days.
  • 69% of marketers stated that they use Facebook video ads for more effective selling.
  • Facebook advertising campaigns reach at least 1.95 billion out of the platform’s 2.8 billion monthly active users.

Facebook remains the most popular social media advertising platform for nearly every type of business. Hively uses Facebook strategically to drive web traffic and sales for B2C and B2B companies to target customers.

  LinkedIn Advertising Services

  • According to B2B content marketers, LinkedIn is the top paid and organic social media channel.
  • 65% of B2B companies stated that they have used LinkedIn paid ads to acquire new clients.
  • LinkedIn is the second-most popular platform among B2B marketers, just behind Facebook.

Using LinkedIn advertising to reach decision-makers and professionals yields results. If you are running a B2B company and want to increase brand awareness, website traffic, and influence conversions, LinkedIn advertising is the perfect solution to get you in front of your target audience, and Hively gets you there.

  Twitter Advertising Services

  • 53% of the Twitter users are likely to be the first purchasers of new products.
  • Statistically, U.S. based Twitter users have more income and education than the general U.S. population and represent the youth that have buying power.
  • 28.9% of global Twitter users are aged between 25 and 34 years; an age group that positively influences purchasing trends.

To stay current, stay on Twitter. When folks want to know what people are currently talking about -the “buzz”- they look to Twitter. This social media platform is popular for discovering trending places and utilizing creative hashtags to market events. This highly interactive social platform makes it one of the most popular ways to engage and connect with your target audience. Hively knows how to work the popularity of customized tweets, hashtags, and Twitter ads, to grab your audience.

  Instagram Advertising Services

  • You can reach over a billion people by using Instagram ads!
  • 92% of Instagram users stated that they have followed a brand, visited that brand’s website, or made a purchase after seeing the offered product or service on Instagram.
  • More than half of the global Instagram user population is younger than 34 years old, reaching audiences who are keen shoppers.

Instagram is one of the most visually engaging social media platforms. A presence on Instagram will spark interest in your products and services.